After the messy pictorial at church, it's time for the reception! As we were waiting inside the bridal car, we had small talks about what happened and why they were late. She said they were late because it took them some time to take a hold of the bridal car, maybe it was parked somewhere far away from the lobby or something. hehe! Anyways, so much for that. As we arrived at the reception which is at the Grand Convention Center of Cebu, we were waiting for the entourage to walk in first for the grand entrance. There was a music, I just couldn't remember what was it, but I know it was a dance music or something, and because of that, we need to dance while we walking for the entrance! I was like "really? do we really have to do this?" but my wife started dancing while walking, and because of that, I had no choice but to dance as well. It was so not like what I was thinking, I couldn't dance. I don't dance! But for our wedding, I did it. I wonder what I look like dancing, well I really don't know how to describe it. But it was CRAZY! Crazy because I really don't know how to dance. lol
After the entrance, it was time for the first dance. So I held her hand and we started slow dancing. It was fun, and I never did that before. It was like the first and the last dance for me. hehe! I forgot what music was playing for our first dance, all I remember was the first music played on our Prosperity dance which I'll talk about it later on. As we finished dancing it was supposed to be the time to eat. But because of the early time, it was still like 10:30am something and the food is not yet ready. So we started picture taking with people on each table. But it was not enough, so the emcee started some games, like asking questions about us and everything, but sad to say nobody participated. I don't know why but people was not interested back then. Maybe they were hungry at that time and too tired to participate. Then finally the soup was served. After few minutes, they started serving other foods one by one. And to my dismay it was really slow. I never imagined it would turn out that way, I don't know why but grand con was not the best choice, their food is good, but the serving takes a large amount of time which is very disappointing.